
An open lecture by the candidate for election to the position of the TTI professor Jelena Popova will take place on October 23, 2024 at 10:30 in Room 1 (Lauvas Street 2).

September 23, 2022, at 14.00, room 407, Lomonosov street, 4, a meeting of the Economics Professorial Council will be held.

  1. Election to the position of professor at the Baltic International Academy with a specialization in Economics and Entrepreneurship, direction Econometrics Dr.sc.ing. Yuri Kochetkov.
  2. Election to the post of Assoc. Professor of the Baltic International Academy, specialization "Economics and Entrepreneurship", direction "Finance and Credit" Dr. Oec. Yuri Baltgailis.
  3. Discussion about the compliance of applicants with the selection criteria.
  4. Miscellaneous

Members of the Economics Professorial Council are required to attend.

The Professorial Board meeting will be held on the 30 of May 2019, at 13:00 in Room 407, 4 Lomonosova st.

Meeting Agenda

  1. Conferment to the post of assoc. professor of the Baltic International Academy, the doctor of economics Nadezda Novozilova on specialization "Economics", the direction "National Economy of Latvian Republic".
  2. Discussions on the Board activities
  3. Various

Members of the professors' board must attend.

Conferment of the Title of Associate Professor
The Professorial Board meeting will be held on 31 January 2018 in Room 317, 4 Lomonosova st. The meeting will start at 11 a.m.

Meeting Agenda

  1. Conferment to the post of assoc. professor of the Institute of Transport and Communication, the doctor of economics Natalija Podolakina on specialization "Economics", the direction "Accounting and accounting theory".
  2. Discussions on the Board activities
  3. Various

Members of the professors' board must attend.

Conferment of the Title of Associate Professor
The Professorial Board meeting will be held on 23 October 2013 in Room 407, 4 Lomonosova st. The meeting will start at 14 pm.v

Meeting Agenda

  1. Conferment of the title of Associate Professor of the Rezekne University in the field of economics and sub-field of finance and credit on Iluta Arbidane, Ph.D. in Economics and Erika Zubule Ph.D. in Economics.
  2. Discussions on the Board activities
  3. Various

The meeting attendance is obligatory for members of the Board.

Conferment of the Title of Associate Professor

The Professorial Board meeting will be held on 14 June 2012 in Room 407, 4 Lomonosova st. The meeting will start at 10 am.

Meeting Agenda

  1. Conferment of the title of Associate Professor of the Institute of Transport and Telecommunications in the field of economics and sub-field of finance and credit on Alla Seregina, Ph.D. in Economics.
  2. Discussions on the Board activities
  3. Various

The meeting attendance is obligatory for members of the Board.